All Starpath* classes are Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 1800-2100. Testing time is not built into the schedule.
2012 Celestial Navigation Series at Windworks Sailing Center
Basic Celestial Navigation Jan 3 – Jan 12 $195
Confidently use a marine sextant and chronometer to derive latitude by Local Apparent Noon and Polaris, and precompute, shoot, compute and plot a three-star fix using Pub 249 Vol 1. This is the very barest-bones minimum celestial navigation and ocean dead reckoning needed as an adjunct to GPS to safely navigate an offshore passage.
Intermediate Celestial Navigation Jan 17 – Jan 26 $205
Obtain and plot a celestial line of position of the sun, moon, planets and stars, using a marine sextant, chronometer, Nautical Almanac and Pub 249 volumes 2 and 3. Plot a running fix of the sun, and precompute sights of sun, moon, stars and planets using the 2102D Starfinder. Student will be familiar with routine sight-averaging techniques necessary to utilize a plastic marine sextant. Student will also be introduced to Pub 229, the Kolbe Long-Term Almanac, NAO Tables and celestial
navigation using a scientific calculator. Completion of this class along with Basic Celestial Navigation will prepare the student for most Celestial Navigation exams, including US Sailing.
Prerequisite: Basic Celestial Navigation or equivalent.
Emergency Celestial Navigation Jan 31 – Feb 9 $225
Use the sun, moon, planets and stars to successfully navigate across an ocean without benefit of a chronometer, sextant, almanac or sight-reduction tables. Use the moon to determine Greenwich Mean Time (UTC). Many of the techniques covered will be based on Polynesian celestial navigation principles.
Prerequisite: Basic and Intermediate Celestial Navigation or equivalent.
2012 General Navigation Series at Windworks Sailing Center
All Starpath* classes are Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 1800-2100. Testing time is not built into the schedule.
Radar Navigation Feb 21 – Feb 23 $135
A practical guide to safe, versatile and efficient use of small-craft radar, radar principles and operation, navigation by range and bearing, use of EBL and VRM in navigation and collision avoidance, identifying radar targets and interpreting their motions, and how to apply the Rules of the Road. Also, how to interpret land masses seen of the radar. This course is guaranteed to increase the safety and efficiency of your radar watch many fold and greatly reduce the anxiety of those encounters with converging radar targets that cannot be seen visually.
Electronic Navigation Feb 28 – Mar 1 $85
Covers the best guidelines to safe and efficient use of GPS both independently and directly interfaced with electronic charting software as a primary navigation system. Also covers use of electronic depth sounding for bathymetric navigation.
Marine Weather Mar 6 – Mar 22 $275
A plain-language, practical course for inland and ocean sailing, guaranteed to make your sailing safer and more efficient. Combine your own observations of wind, sea, clouds and barometer to better interpret the official forecasts obtained from radio, satellite or facsimile as well as make your own forecast if you lose the official sources. Develop practical rules of thumb which contribute to sound decision making at the dock and underway.
For further information and registration contact:
Windworks Sailing Center
7001 Seaview Avenue NW, Suite 110
Seattle, WA 98117, USA
Toll-free 877-223-1993 Tel (206) 784-9386
Fax (206)784-2995
*Starpath is a registered trademark of the Starpath Corporation, a world leader in the production of marine education materials. Use of this name implies the training program is endorsed by Starpath Corporation and includes the use of Starpath training materials.